Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A little about the blog...

Today is gorgeous so my fella and I took a vacation day and spent the afternoon walking around the neighborhood--stopping for ice cream (chocolate banana for me) and hanging out by the bluffs. I also started this blog. I'm hoping my writing will benefit.

At this point I'm thinking that this blog will host a collection of pictures and stories of treasures and things that I have found (and will find). I use shopping as a way to relax... and inevitably find some fun pieces in a stack of not-so-happy things.

I forget which came first: the turquoise seagull or the bronze one. All I remember was finding the second at an antique store for less than $3 and realizing I had its brother at home!!! Eee!! I'm curious about these as there are no markings on them. Anyone recognize them?

Pin Addict

I am a recovering pin addict. Enameled flower pins to be precise. It started with a daisy pin of my mother's and spiraled into spending hours upon hours in antique stores. I had two requirements:
1) the flower should be as obnoxious as possible
2) the pin had to be cheap

Cheap for me was/is anything under $5, but it would be difficult for me to spend $5 on a pin that wasn't loud and obnoxious.

I say I'm recovering because I'm less inclined to buy flower pins right now. Mainly because I'm developing a love for more modern shapes, because wearing more than one at a time gives my fella ulcers, and because I don't have enough room!

Here is one example of an attempt to display my collection (taken about a year ago): The OLD BIRD CAGE! I stuffed it with pillow stuffing and a soft-pink fabric (super girly!) There was even a good bow on top. I'd recommend using a lot of stuffing so you have some resistance when you place your pins. I liked it. I could see all of them at once (which is good if you fall victim to buying similar pieces) and I thought the birdcage looked really great in my super girly room.

A year later, I'm living with my fella in his red and chocolate brown one bedroom. Between the two of us and my cat we don't have room in the bedroom for a birdcage. So I put the birdcage in the basement for the day we move out and into a bigger place. My pins are packed into an old silverware box--pictured below--and atop my dresser.