Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Dreaded Butterfly

For some reason the most abundant and available figural pins are butterflies. Lame. I don't know why, but I have never liked butterfly pins AND THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!

I really wish I could like them, but they are just too damn girlie. I am girlie enough as it is, I don't need some delicate insect on my shoulder. When I say I'm girlie, I should clarify...I love dressing up, scream when I see centipedes, and get really excited if bunnies are hanging out in the backyard. That's how I'm girlie. I am fairly tall--and not delicate. The fact that centipedes scare me is laughable, and I usually lumber over the average sized lady (but I think that is pretty cool). I am also not that graceful and I have no ankles. Anyway, for some reason butterflies bug me (ha). So it might be that an actual butterfly represents grace and delicacy...and I'm jealous? It might also be that girls get butterfly tattoos ALL THE TIME--it's like saying you're a sweet badass. Too sweet for me!

Anyhoo--I do not buy them, but I have two in my collection (both gifts). I'm sure whomever inherits my pins will love them more than the others--because apparently I'm one of the few people who doesn't like butterfly pins. :|

Thursday, April 1, 2010

One of the perks...

...of being known as a pin lady: free pins!!!

I work in an office with many women and most of them notice my pins--usually enough to tell me about their great aunt's collection or upcoming garage sales.

Not long ago one of my coworkers handed me a plastic baggie filled with a collection of gorgeous pins. A relative of hers had passed away and no one in the family was interested in claiming the pins--apparently she rescued them from being tossed!

I made a point to wear them and thank her again (and again!)--how thoughtful! What a great perk of being known as the pin lady!

The two in this last shot are my favorite of the bunch. I included the butterfly because it was part of the set... but ooof, the only butterfly pins I own have been gifts.