Sunday, December 19, 2010


So last weekend, while we were snowed in, I made a point of trying to bake (I don't typically find myself in the kitchen). I was extremely proud of myself for pulling off coconut macaroons (although the fella cried the whole time) and pannekoeken!!!! (alright... apparently I made pannekoek (singular), but I call it pannekoeken (plural) b/c that's what I've called it all my life.)

Here is the naked pannekoek (put powdered sugar on them, folks!)...

And we actually ate it!!!

Like I mentioned, my fella cried over the coconut macaroons b/c he HATES coconut (wouldn't even try them, the poor dear). But they were good... I promise.

(coconut... yum!)

I'm leaving you with the happy cookie. The lone gingerbread man that made my evening (even when my fella came by and bit his head off while I was explaining that he was my favorite-faced cookie). :)

We'll miss you happy cookie!!!

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