Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snow, cars, and commas!


We have ourselves a good old-fashioned winter here in the North. Lots of snow, to the point where you can't see around the snow that is piled on the street corners and every time you pull out of a parking lot or a cross-street you're saying a little prayer and hoping you're wearing clean undies.
You also have to pray that when you get stuck, someone will happen along to help you get your teeny car turned around and over the snow drifts. I made the mistake of thinking my car could make it up a hill and then got stuck with my car turned perpendicular to the road. Thankfully, two kiddos from the local college helped push me out. Thanks fellas!

Aww.... nice people running around in down coats and snow pants. :)

So... I get antsy during the winter months. Less running around, less sunlight, less happy.

What ends up happening is that I pace our apartment, glare at my fella, and feel sorry for myself. BARFOLA!

Anyone else hear the rumor that the latest edition of the CMS (Chicago Manual of Style) is doing away with the serial comma (oxford comma)!? Writing that sentence about feeling sorry for myself made me think of that sad concept. I haven't looked into it--it makes me shudder.

I would have a hard time transitioning to that if that's what the CMS actually did. And I won't do it until my job's house style changes over.

I like my commas.

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