Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Camera...Hooray!

After my brick of a digital camera kicked the bucket I purchased a new digital camera off of Woot.com. I still need to buy a memory card, but I've been able to take a few photos on the internal memory (approx. 10-12 photos). B keeps yelling at me to go out and buy a memory card... but this makes me be a little more careful of the photos I do take.

If anyone ends up reading this blog--remember when we couldn't just erase and re-record photos? Fun-saver cameras were my favorite. You had to make sure you didn't advance the roll until you were ready to take a photo... otherwise you inevitably get photos of the interior of pockets or backpacks. I also remember a great photo of the side of my foot after I dropped the fun-saver and it took the picture when it hit the floor.

Anyway, here are a few shots I took of the leaves around my and B's place.

My goal is that mid-February I can look at these pictures and remind myself that it WILL GET BETTER!!!

I'm really not looking forward to the middle-o-winter blahs. Here are some earlier, more-summery pictures from B's camera (I think mine is waaay better!).

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