Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What is this blog???

I keep going back and forth with this lovely, albeit slow, blog. Originally it was to show off any great thrift finds and perhaps showcase some pairings--so a fashion blog? Unfortunately, I am not ready to take the plunge as a fashion-style-a-day blog which I think is the best type of fashion blog (where you can actually see their charming faces). Yeah... I prefer some anonymity... or perhaps I'm worried about representing myself as a fashion-person, when I am far, far from one...

To bury that one in the deep blue shiny sea (wait... bury?) I forced myself to admit that I need to try to squelch the urge to buy more things (seriously, I'm drowning in clothes and accessories) no matter how inexpensive they are.

**A real economic "triumph" for me was shopping in a fabulous antique store and bypassing not one, not two, but THREE items of jewelry each under $4. Wowzas**

Of course, the above triumph might have been because I wasn't in the mood to shop. I think you have to be in the right frame of mind to go thrifting and to spend money on things you don't need... so my willpower shouldn't get all the credit... heh... ahem.

So yeah... it seemed that a fashion/new things blog seemed destined for failure.

THEN I thought I could try my hand at an uber-amateur sewing blog--as I am currently trying for a "no-new-clothes" year.... although apparently that doesn't stretch to shoes. :\

I have a hand-me-down Singer sewing machine and am determined to figure out how to alter the clothes that I already have (for better fit/new styles) if I feel a desperate need for something new/better fitting. BUT... that seems to have also fallen to the wayside... just a pile of projects on our dining room table. So that doesn't appear to be my blog-calling either.... (even though I love reading the sewing blogs! Amazing! Male Pattern Boldness is my current favorite... Gertie's Guide is wonderful too).

So yeah... I think the best thing for me to do is to ignore any semblance of rhyme or reason and just post whatever the h I want to post.

So if you are reading this--welcome... and how in the world did you stumble here? For now, I am going to pretend that I have some invisible readers. Hi, babies!

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